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Villas en Mallorca


Activitat Solar
My Ham call is EA6DL

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Weather Station Davis Vantage ProII

   The Weather Station davis vantage Pro II is considered as one of the most prestigious weather stations at the market.

    Davis Vantage Pro II consists of a console unit with LCD display  for displaying data received from various external sensors up: anemometer, wind speed, rain, thermo-hygrometer sensor, solar radiation, ultraviolet radiation and soil moisture/temperature station.




                       Descriptions of the Sensors

     - Thermometer (measured 0,1º C) every 10 seconds

     -  Hygrometer (measured 1,0%) every 50 seconds

     -  Barometer (measured  0,1 hPa) every 10 seconds

     -  Pluviòmetro (measured 0,2mm) every 20 seconds

     -  Anemometer  (measured 0,1 km) every 2 sec.

     -  Solar Radiation (measured 1,0 W/m2) every sec. 

     -  Ultraviolet radiation (measured 0,1) every 60 sec.


  One of the most important sensors of the weather station is the rainfall sensor, which, different to other, Davis Vantage collects data in 0,2mm.

 As you can see in the picture inside the rain gauge consists join buckets that measure the amount of precipitation in 0,2mm, once this measure has exceded the beam  empty the water and stards to refill the other pot. With this procedure the station also makes the calculation of the intensity of rainfall per hour. 

10 turns in 1 minute = 2,0 mm
2,0 mm x 60 minutes = 120,0 mm/hour




El sensor Termohigrómetro principal se encuentra instalado a 1,50 metros según la normativa de la organización meteorológica mundial (O.M.M.), tambien se mide la temperatura en la terraza terrat donde se encuentra la davis (a 7 metros de altura). Meteoportocolom dispone tambien de sensores de Temperatura y Humidad del suelo, donde se mide tanto la temperatura como la humidad a 15 cm y a 35 cm debajo tierra.






The davis Vantage pro II, which has Meteoportocolom, is the version "Cabled" , therefore all sensors outside of the weather station ae connected by cable to the console.

 The console is connected to the PC via a datalogger for data storage and offloading (although the station is not connected to the computer the datalogger has a caapacity os storing of the station dta up to about 25 days). this datalogger has a conection to port serial (RS-232).

The softwares we use are Weatherlink, Graphweather and Weatherdisplay, each one has an important mission, the Weatherlink the main driver od the station i sends data to "Meteofelanitx" and "Meteoclimatic" the Graphweather used for data to "Meteoportocolom" and Weatherdisplay is also in charge od sending Meteoportocolom data in real time (every 3 seconds) I also to different pages with an international character.

Console Photo of the day 28/09/2009, the day that Meteoportocolom recorded 102,8mm (in 1 day) and a peak intensity of 256,0mm/hour!


The station is located at the top of Portocolom (Urbanización Lafe), 36 meters above sea level and 10 meters above the street level and the wind sensor (anemometer and wind vane) are completely clear, which makes their data and wind direction entirely reliable.

The  coordinates is:

Latitude:.   39º 24" 57´ N

Longitude: 03º 14"  50´ E






Estació Davis Vantage Pro 2 Plus + estació agricola - Weatherlink 6.0.0 -Weahterdisplay 10.37R - GraphWeather 3.0.15
© 2011-2014, Meteoportocolom y Mallorcared - Webmaster Jaume Mas Ferrer;

Atenció! Les dades meteorològiques publicats en aquest lloc són d'una estació meteorològica personal i són només indicatius, que en cap cas podran ser utilitzats per assegurar la protecció de les persones o els béns.



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